Roads during the holidays are notoriously dangerous and extra precautions need to be taken. It’s therefore essential to have a multi-check on your vehicle to identify potential hazards, and prevent additional damage before it happens, at least two weeks before you leave to go on holiday. Great news is that you can have all of this done right here at CMH Honda the Glen!
CMH Honda the Glen suggests that your road trip advance checklist must include:
Lights and electrical systems:
Ensure that all bulbs on your vehicle are in working order to ensure that you can see, be seen and heard and clearly indicate your intentions. Make sure that headlights are adjusted correctly – ensuring that light beams offer adequate viewing distance, but without being adjusted too far upwards, causing visibility problems for oncoming motorists.

Windows and wipers:
Check to make sure that all windows are in a good condition and that any cracks or chips are repaired. Make sure that wiper blades are performing well and making a clean sweep every time.
Wheels and tyres:
Ensure that all wheels are securely fastened. Make sure that your vehicle is equipped with a spare wheel in good condition, that you have the correct jack and other tools to remove a damaged wheel and tyre.
Check your vehicle’s brake fluid level and top it up if necessary.
Check that the handbrake fluid level is good and that the brake is working optimally. Ensure that all brake discs, drums and pads are in good condition; performing well and wearing evenly. Perform an emergency stop test to make double sure.
Call any of our qualified Sales Executives today for expert advice and bookings for Holiday checks.