When this Event takes place you will get a chance to view the vehicle of your choice, if you as a client are interested you can TEST DRIVE the vehicle at the dealership. Honda Hatfield has a great team of sales executives that can Demo the vehicle for you at work or at home which ever suites you the BEST. We inspire to make things easier for you.
We as Honda Hatfield walk that extra mile for our clients. We want to keep our clients happy and the reason we are here is to make you smile and for you to feel warm hearted and welcome in our Honda family.
To buy a vehicle isn’t an everyday thing this is a special moment that needs to make MEMORYS with you for a very long time. This is a decision you make a long time before you DO. That’s why Honda Hatfield wants you to BE impressed by our SERVICE we have to offer YOU.
If this is an Event that you will be interested in, please check us out on www.cmhhodahatfield.co.za or tweet us @HondaHatfield you can check us on Google + CMH Honda Hatfield or you can email us on leadmaster71@cmh.co.za with your name and number and we will send you an sms for Honda’s upcoming Events.